Mumbai - Romantic Place is a music Album and composed by Mr. Sufi Parveen. This music has been dedicated to Dr. P K Mahanandia and his wife Charlotte at this occation of Valentines . Sufi is a big fan of him and for many years he is following and watching his interviews. In this album main part is having romance , feelings and dance. After listening this music a listener can create his own story. As the we read books and many things running on mind, same music is like that you listen the music and create stories.
Sufi has lot of owner and regards of Dr. P K Mahanandia and his wife Charlotte and promotes his music by this album. He has given main photo because of his superstar leadership. Sufi understands that Dr. P K Mahanandia - Charlotte is superstar. This is a historic love story and he think this love story is like Heer-Ranjha and Shashi-Punnuh and he is having same owner.
We are a "Fakir" and we floats the message of happiness to the world. We will always convey this message in future. Sufi has released this music album with his own record label " Theme Music International " . This album is having 8 songs and this 8 songs no vocal has been used. It is a only instrumental and available at all leading stores : iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Saavn, Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, Shazam ... and many more stores...