A gripping crime thriller with unexpected twist, Hotstar Specials presents Hostages (Season 1) is the story of a renowned surgeon who is ordered to assassinate the chief minister, in exchange for the survival of her family who have been taken hostage. Directed by Sudhir Mishra, season 1 featured Tisca Chopra and Dalip Tahil in pivotal roles and was well received by audiences across the country.
Ronit Bose Roy reminisces ahead of the launch of season 2, talking about the most important moments from season 1, he says, "Season 1 was one amazing ride, every character had many unseen layers, each character had a hidden agenda. I just loved the way it unfolded and I think season 2 has a lot more characters. It's faster than season 1, it more other way round, tables have turned in season 2.
He further adds, "I feel season 2 is much bigger than season1. It has all the revelations, all the questions that were left unanswered in season1 and I think season 2 is answering all those questions"
Hotstar Specials Hostages season 2 is set to launch on 9th September on Disney+ Hotstar VIP