Railways have decided to restore the services of Mumbai-Pune Deccan Express Special train from 26.6.2021. This train will run with Vistadome coach for the first time on this route.
The views of the Western Ghats while travelling in Vistadome coach in Mumbai-Goa route can now be experienced on Mumbai-Pune route also. At present, the Vistadome coach is running in Mumbai-Madgaon Jan Shadabdi Special train. Now, passengers on Mumbai- Pune route can enjoy the scenic beauty and experience being with nature while passing near to Matheran hill (Near Neral), Songir hill (near Palasdhari), Ulhas River (near Jambrung), Ulhas Valley, areas of Khandala, Lonavala, etc. and the waterfalls , tunnels on South East Ghat section. The basic special features include wide window panes and glass roof top, rotatable seats and pushback chairs, etc.
01007 Deccan Express special will leave Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus at 07.00 hrs daily with effect from 26.6.2021 and arrive Pune at 11.05 hrs same day.
01008 Deccan Express special will leave Pune at 15.15 hrs daily with effect from 26.6.2021 and arrive Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus at 19.05 hrs same day.
Halts: Dadar, Thane, Kalyan, Neral (for 01007 only), Lonavala, Talegaon, Khadki and Shivaji Nagar.
Composition: - One Vistadome coach, Three AC Chair Car, 10 Second Class Seating and one second class seating cum guard’s brake van.
Reservation: Bookings for Special Train no 01007/01008 on normal charges will open on 24.06.2021 at all PRS centers and on website www.irctc.co.in.
Only passengers having confirmed tickets will be permitted to board this special train, adhering all norms, SOPs related to COVID19 during the boarding, travel and at destination.