IPS officer Arun Bothra recently advised an UPSC aspirant to replace his smartphone with Nokia 5310 in order to crack the prestigious civil services exams. Bothra, who is an Odisha cadre officer, gave the advice while replying to a tweet seeking a “one-shot advice” from him to crack the UPSC civil services exams.
In reply to the tweet, Bothra simply said: “Replace your mobile with Nokia 5310.”
It seems that through his advice Bothra wanted to convey a message that though smartphones are an important means of communication they can be a great source of distraction too for the students.
"Epic advice...Half of the problem will get sorted automatically," one of the Twitter users responded to the post.
Some users, however, said that smartphones have now become a necessity and Bothra's advice was not a good one.
One of the users claimed that social media is also a good source of information while preparing for UPSC ecxams and it is not wise to ignore social media.