Director Shilpa Ranade’s first directorial offering ‘GGBB: Goopi Gawaiya Bagha Bajaiya’, has managed to win the hearts of audiences of all age groups.
GGBB released on March 1st 2019 in 83 screens and 140 shows making it the the largest ever release for an independent Indian animation film - independent also of brands and sponsors. GGBB has sailed through the weekend in the midst of 24 film releases and the following Monday without dropping a single show Praising the film and its animation in their review, Animation Xpress said, "As its subtitle aptly portrays, “First Children’s films for Adults”, there are layers of meanings and metaphors waiting to interpreted and reinterpreted. The film is vibrant, attractive and keeps one hooked, all ages alike. Such films should definitely be encouraged and appreciated, just exactly what it deserves.”
The musical adventure revolves around two friends – Goopi and Bagha – who are not-so-gifted musicians. The film joins them on their fantastical travels as they cross paths with the King of Ghosts who gives them three boons.
What follows is a fun journey full of surprising plot twists and rib-tickling song lyrics.
Outlook in their review of the film said, “A bright, bouncy, cheerful, effervescent tribute to Satyajit Ray's 1969 children's classic "Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne" is a step forward for animation films, a genre still in its infancy in Indian cinema, groping around in the dark trying to find a competitive ground with the likes of "Frozen", "Moana", "Lego" and "Inside Out" in Hollywood.”
It is a rare Indian animation film that doesn’t have anything mythological about it, no Hanuman and Bheem thankfully. Based on Upendra Kishore Roychowdhury’s iconic characters Goopy and Bagha and inspired from the first of Satyajit Ray’s trilogy—Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne.
As the Hindu pointed out in their review, "As is the norm in the West, this animation film doesn’t boast of star names for voiceovers. But, it’s GGBB that is quite a star of a film, albeit an unheralded one. It deserves a lot of audience love” GGBB is indeed receiving a lot of audience love!