Shri Anil Kumar Lahoti, General Manager, Central Railway gave away “General Manager’s Safety Award” to 11 Central Railway staff i.e. three from Mumbai, two each from Nagpur, Pune, Bhusaval and Solapur Divisions. The awards were given in appreciation of their alertness during duty, their contribution in averting untoward incidents and ensuring safety in train operations during the month of February 2022, in a function held at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus Mumbai on 7.3.2022. The award consists of a Medal, commendation certificate, a citation of exemplary safety work and a cash award of Rs.2000/-.
Ms. Surekha Waghmare, Pointswoman, Kurla, Mumbai while exchanging hand signal to Train no. 22222 up on 26.11.2021, saw smoke in the fifth coach of the train, immediately showed, red signal to the train and also quickly informed the Station Manager and ensured dousing off the fire at Dadar Station. The alertness of Ms. Surekha averted a possible untoward incident.
Shri Mrutunjay Kumar Chowdhury, Loco Pilot, Panvel working in a Goods train on 29.01.2022, while entering Mahape loop line heard an unusual sound from a trolley, immediately stopped the Goods train. On inspection, found that the secondary suspension coil spring of the trolley was broken. Informed the concerned officials and separated the particular loco and sent it in safely operated speed for repairing. The alertness and cautious approach by Mr. Kumar averted a possible accident.
Shri Pravin Tikone, Assistant Loco Pilot (Mail), Panvel, working in a Goods train on 29.01.2022, while entering Mahape loop line noticed unusual sound from a trolley, immediately stopped the Goods train. On inspection, found that the secondary suspension coil spring of the trolley was broken. Informed the concerned officials and separated the particular loco for repairing in a safely operated speed. Alert Shri Pravin averted a possible accident.
Shri Rahul Sahu, Assistant Station Manager, Ghoti, Bhusaval while exchanging Hand Signal to train no. 22538 on 27.01.2022, saw all Brake Pads of 8th & 9th coach grating the floor & creating smoke while on run. Immediately using Walkie-Talkie and informed the crew control to stop the train. Along with the train Guard, with the help of the fire extinguisher provided in the Pantry car doused the fire & smoke. Timely action by Shri Rahul averted a possible accident.
Shri Mukesh Kumar Chowdhary, Guard, Bhusaval while working on train no. 22538 received information through Walkie Talkie that all Brake pads of 8th & 9th coach of train no. 22538 are grating the floor & creating smoke. On receiving the message, immediately stopped the train and aided by the Station Manager used the fire extinguisher provided in the Pantry car doused the fire. His immediate action averted a possible accident.
Shri Lakhan Ramnath, Keyman, Junnardeo, Nagpur, while patrolling the tracks on 10.02.2022 noticed a Rail fracture at Kilometre 912/19-20. Immediately, Mr. Lakhan halted Train no. 01319 & informed all concerned and attended the weld fracture. Due to his timely action, an untoward incident to the next following train could be avoided.
Shri Anup Kumar, Assistant Loco Pilot, Balharshah, Nagpur, on 09.2.2022 while inspecting the under gear of 23739 & 23689 locomotives of Goods train at the loop line of Chikni station noticed a crack in the CBC coupling of the third wagon. On noticing the crack, Shri Anup Kumar informed all concerned, separated the wagon and dispatched the Goods train.
Shri G. N. Joshi, Loco Pilot, Miraj, Pune while working in Train no. 12780 up on 14.02.2022 noticed a Cement pole placed on track at Km 93/8, immediately halted the train, removed the pole and proceeded further. The quick action and alertness of Shri Joshi averted a possible accident.
Shri Avinash Pawar, Loco Pilot, Miraj, Pune after taking charge of Goods train on 16.02.2022, while inspecting the Loco found the compressor foundation was loosened and hanging. Immediately informed the concerned department and got that attended by the Technician. Shri Pawar was appreciated for his alertness and sincerity in his duty, which averted a possible mishap.
Shri Amarnath Mourya, Station Manager, Mundewadi, Solapur while communicating the Signal to the passing Goods train at Mundewadi on 12.02.2022 found a metal hanging and touching the tracks from 5th Wagon of the goods train. Noticing this, Shri Mourya immediately gave Red Signal, halted the train and put that right. The commitment and alertness shown by Shri Mourya averted an imminent mishap.
Shri Gaurav Kumar, Trackman IV, Daund, Solapur while patrolling at around 1.30 am midnight of 4.2.2022 noticed a Rail fracture at Kms 286/1-2, immediately informed his superiors, got the Rail fracture attended. The timely action and alertness shown by Shri Gaurav averted a possible accident.
Shri Anil Kumar Lahoti, while addressing on the occasion said that the awardees have done a commendable job and such 24 x 7 alertness shown by the railway staff for safer working will motivate others and sincerely work towards the safety of passengers.
Shri B.K. Dadabhoy, Additional General Manager, Shri Alok Singh, Principal Chief Safety Officer, Shri Mukul Jain, Principal Chief Operations Manager, Shri Ashwani Saxena, Principal Chief Engineer, Shri Gopal Chandra, Principal Chief Electrical Engineer, Shri A. K. Gupta, Principal Chief Mechanical Engineer, Shri Ajoy Sadany, Principal Chief Security Commissioner and other Principal Heads of Departments of Central Railway were present on the occasion and Divisional Railway Managers of all the Divisions joined the event virtually.