After making her mark in the Gujarati film industry, Anveshi Jain is set to debut in Tollywood with Lakshmikanth Chenna film ‘Commitment’. The actress announced the same on her Instagram a few days back by posting a picture with Kama Sutra in hand. She captioned it: “Are you not curious to know what character I am playing? This is your hint and I want you to guess!!
Putting a stop to all the speculations, Anveshi in an exclusive interview revealed that she will be playing the character of a Sexologist in her upcoming movie. “I am playing Dr Rekha Gupta, a sexologist.She meets a younger trainer in her gym, who falls in love with her. The plot revolves around how she responds to him and what reality checks she gets in life eventually. It also has a very deep message about women that when they speak openly about their desires & sexuality, they are considered as easily available.
The movie shows another side of Rekha, who is committed towards her family and work, and is a very different person from how people perceive her.”
Anveshi was chosen for the role after makers saw her app where she talks about the art of seduction and related topics. "They approached and I read the script . After discussing the role for a while, I was signed for the movie. The best part of working in this film was that I didn’t have (had ) to act at all. It came out very naturally as all of it was inspired from my own life incidences and what I speak on my app about the art of seduction. More than acting, it was reliving all my experiences.”
The movie is scheduled to release in May 2020 and the trailer will be out soon.