A Shree Ram Rath Yatra, that wheeled off from Tamil Nadu's Rameswaram on September 17, reached Ayodhya on Wednesday along with a gigantic bell weighing over 600 kg that would be installed at Shree Ram temple. The Yatra was organised by Chennai-based 'Legal Rights Council'. The 'Grand Bell' is 4.1 feet tall and has "Jai Sri Ram" embossed on it.
When the 613 kg bell would be rung, the sound would be heard within the periphery of 10 km of the temple town. Also, the sound of the bell will echo 'Om', Raj Laxmi Maada, who drove the Shree Ram Rath all the way from Rameswaram to Ayodhya, a distance of 4,500 km spanning 10 states, told IANS.
The Shree Ram Rath also carried idols of Lord Shree Ram, his wife Sita, brother Lakshman, Lord Ganesha and Lord Hanuman, made of bronze.
Raj Laxmi, who also holds a world record of pulling 9.5 tonnes of weight, is popularly known as Bullet Rani.
The bell and idols were handed to the Secretary of Shree Ram Mandir Trust, Champat Rai at Shree Ram Mandir Nirmaan Karyashala on Wednesday in presence of Shree Ram Mandir Trust member, Anil Mishra, Mahant Dinendra Das and Vimlendra Mishra.