New Delhi Municipal Council on Saturday, removed posters near Chinese embassy that gave wishes of Taiwan's National Day. The posters -- bearing the words "Taiwan Happy National Day October 10" -- were issued by Delhi BJP leader Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga. The posters were removed within hours. The posters were put up on Friday night.
The posters were stuck on the sidewalk of Shanti Path close to the embassy of China in Chankyapuri, New Delhi's diplomatic enclave.
"We have removed the posters which were put up close to Chinese embassy," an NDMC official said Saturday.
Earlier, the Chinese embassy here had issued guidelines to the Indian media to not violate New Delhi's ''One-China'' policy during the national day of Taiwan.
"All countries that have diplomatic relations with China should firmly honor their commitment to the One-China policy, which is also the long-standing official position of the Indian government," the letter dated October 7 said.
"We hope Indian media can stick to Indian government's position on Taiwan question and do not violate the One-China principle," it said.
The letter was issued in the wake of advertisements put out by the Taiwan government in a couple of leading newspapers in India ahead of Taiwan's national day on October 10.
Bharat Thursday took oblique potshots over the guidelines, saying there is a "free media" in this country.